Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The smooth walls of the tunnel, which appeared to have been carved out of solid granite, led the group ever northwards. Ougi took the lead, the torchlight from his Nokia 1661 lighting the way...

Just when they started to think that perhaps they should go back for supplies, the tunnel suddenly opened up into a massive chamber!

Looking back, they saw a sign above the tunnel they had just exited which said: "Food-basket". This had been scratched out and replaced with "basket-case". Each tunnel which lead from the main chamber had a similar sign, such as "Palest - top north", "Pale - north","Olive - central East", etc.

The far wall of the chamber comprised a gigantic machine, festooned with dials and lights and switches! Greed now replaced by utter bemusement, the four slowly approached the machine......

The treasure-hunters walked up to what appeared to be a main control panel. Here was a simple set of large buttons, each a different color :  white, olive, yellow, brown, black and very dark black.  To the right of these was a single pink button and on it's right, a spotted button.

After a lengthy and voluble debate, Bougi was chosen to press a button.

He gingerly reached out his hand, and closing his eyes, pushed the dark black button at the bottom....

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