Monday, September 16, 2013


Dejected, the four ex-soldiers began to realize that they would probably not get paid as the hole was nowhere near deep enough to accommodate the ex owners of the farm....

Not only that, but they had broken both pickaxes on an extremely hard, black shiny surface that they discovered 18 inches below the surface of the soil.         

To make things worse, they only had one shovel left! They needed a plan!

Ougi and Dube went to see 8-year Bongi who lived on the neighboring farm. They convinced him to lend them his hand-grenade, and promised to return the ring when they were finished. After all they argued, walking around with a hand-grenade pin attached to your shorts was a lot more fear-inspiring than having a hand-grenade hanging there - and besides, he would not have to walk around with one hand keeping his pants up anymore!

Soon they had the hand-grenade in the shallow hole and placed a 200kg solid oak dresser on top of it . The master-stroke of their plan was to place the odoriferous corpses on top of the dresser! (Hah - and you thought these guys weren't that smart!)  Bougi pulled out the pin and they dived outside through the windows.

When the dust and smoke settled, they found that that the explosion had punched a large hole into the hard-rock surface where the floor once was.
Where the roof once was, the sun shone down into the hole, revealing a smooth polished stone tunnel, approximately seven feet high and six feet wide!

Convinced that this led to a hidden safe, with thousands, maybe even millions of Zim dollars hidden in it, the four climbed down into the tunnel to explore!

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