Monday, September 16, 2013


Four retired Congolese soldiers (see link) went to Zimbabwe to provide assistance to a friend who had recently acquired a new farm.


We shall call them Ougi, Bougi, Skubi and Dube.

When they arrived at the once prosperous wheat and cattle farm, they found Sam in his newly renovated dining room, where the Rhodesian teak floor had been removed to provide a large fire upon which was cooked one of the farms cows.

Upon entering, Sam's predicament became immediately clear: the previous tenants were stinking up the place!

After a lengthy and voluble discussion, it was decided to place the 'problems' under the newly uncovered dirt on the ground as this represented the quickest, cleanest solution to the problem.

Sam offered them each a two-part payment: up front, each would receive a gun!  Armed with 2 picks and 2 shovels, the intrepid quartet got to work!

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